Author Joe Khoury is delighted to announce the launch of A “Big Brave Heart,” the first volume in a new series of children’s books that celebrates courage, kindness and family. Young readers will identify with school-age brother and sister Mia and Anthony as they navigate school, personal challenges and their own feelings. A “Big Brave Heart” explores issues that children will easily recognize in their own lives, and it will inspire them to find the courage in their own hearts to be brave enough to do the right thing.
Mia and Antony, like so many kids, love to dress up as superheroes. But are they as brave as the superheroes they love to emulate? The children’s father challenges the pair to “do one brave thing” each day and then write about it in their diaries. What begins as something a bit daunting becomes a new way of living for these two children, who prove to be braver than they ever thought.
Through the course of the story, Mia and Anthony learn that they are brave enough to stand up to an entire group of bullies who are pestering a friend. They discover that they have the courage to overcome their shyness and speak to the new boy at school. They even muster the incredible bravery it takes to apologize to a friend when they make a mistake — an act of bravery that many adults find challenging too!

Thanks to their dad’s unique assignment, Mia and Anthony are able to grow and recognize that growth in their daily affirmations of brave living. A “Big Brave Heart” demonstrates what real bravery means, and just as Mia and Anthony learn what it really means to be a brave superhero, so too will young readers.
Bravery is a trait that author Joe Khoury has thought much about over the course of his life. As a child, he lost both parents to cancer. In 2006, he immigrated to the United States from Lebanon with some big goals — to work hard, to build a family and to be the best husband and father he could possibly be.
As the father of a large blended family and home filled with kids, Mr. Khoury understands how important bravery figures into the lives of children, and the lives of adults. In his new book series, he explores many feelings and situations that will resonate with children. Kindness and family are immensely important to him, and he knows how valuable they are to all children.
Enjoy the release of A “Big Brave Heart” and be sure to look for future series offerings that will include “A Million Ways to Care” and “Our Very Special Family.” These books promise to engage young readers and encourage discussion of topics that are sure to be important to each one. You can get your own copy on Amazon today!